Handwriting Workshops

Is your child struggling with bad handwriting? Have teachers commented on it, too?
Often times, we try everything we can to get our kids to write legibly but it doesn't always work.
Did you know there are specific motions and rules to good penmanship?
Our handwriting workshops are meant to teach your child the various motions they need to write well at various stages and ages.
Professional tutors present fun and educational lessons in our small group classes to help kids get better acquainted with the process of writing.

Saturday mornings @ 10 a.m.
Each workshops is 1.5 hours long.
(small groups of 5-6 kids, ages 4-8)
$250 for full 6 week program
Next program begins on July 22, 2017
Workshops are offered in increments of 6 weeks, throughout which your child gets lessons on the proper grips and motions of writing,
on cognitive awareness of the letters, and of proper shaping.
The instructor will include programs for kids to better advance these motions with activities such as sand writing and integrating holding a crayon for coloring with holding a pencil for writing, and many more fun activities that will help your child be more confident and able to write legibly.
We will provide an exam half way through to track progress, as well as an exam at the conclusion of 6 weeks.
Children often complete the 6 week program with successful results and then can graduate to our cursive writing workshop, if needed.
For children who could use a bit more help, we offer additional weeks, or one-on-one options to truly hone in on their skills.